OUR CLIENTS INCLUDE (But are not limited to):
- Accounting
- Advertising and Marketing Firms
- All Medical Practices
- Ambulance Services
- Apartment Complexes
- Attorneys
- Auto Dealers, Parts Stores and Suppliers
- Banks and Credit Unions
- Cellular Telephone Services
- City, County, and State Governments
- Chiropractic
- CPAs
- Clothing Manufacturers
- Colleges and Universities
- Construction Companies & Specialty Trades
- Convention Services
- Couriers
- Credit Cards
- Daycare Centers
- Dentists
- Department Stores
- Florists
- Fuel Oil Companies
- Government
- Health and Fitness Clubs
- Heating and Air Conditioning Services
- Hospitals, Medical, and Dental Practices
- Hotels
- Industrial Manufacturers & Distributors
- Insurance Companies and Agents
- Lawn Care
- Libraries
- Mail Order Houses
- Magazines
- Medical Laboratories
- Newspapers and Magazines
- Office Supplies
- Optical Store
- Pest Control
- Postal Services
- Printing Shops
- Private Schools
- Professional Athletic Teams
- Radiology
- Rent-A-Car
- Restaurants
- Retailers
- Security Alarm Companies
- Schools
- Telephone / Communications
- Trade Schools
- Travel Agencies
- Trucking
- TV Stations
- Utility Companies
- Veterinarians
- Video Stores
- Waste Management

Fast Results
You can never afford delays in your commercial collections process, which means when you need data, you need it now! Some commercial collections companies tend to sacrifice accuracy for speed, but at National Business Collections, we give you both fast and accurate results. Let our experts support yours!
Since time is money, no one needs a complicated commercial collections process. That’s why we make your collections process simple and easy. We’ll have your information back in no time in an easy-to-understand format.
When it comes to reducing the liabilities around collections, National Business Collections provides outstanding customer service, fast, accurate results and a variety of customization options. That’s why it’s a great idea to add our team to yours. Get the right people working for you. Start with the professionals at National Business Collections.